mobile coffee cart

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in America. 

Americans consume an average of 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day. A study by the National Coffee Association showed that 62% of Americans drink coffee daily, while 7 in 10 people admitted to drinking coffee every week. 

Many people drink coffee to improve their mood, increase energy levels, and boost brain function. With hectic schedules, working-class Americans often drink coffee throughout the day and prefer on-the-go options such as mobile coffee carts.

This incessant demand for coffee shows no signs of dwindling any time soon. In fact, coffee consumption is on the increase, making a mobile coffee cart business a lucrative business idea worth exploring.

With its affordable start-up costs, reduced staffing expenses, and flexibility on location and opening hours, the perks of opening a mobile coffee business are attractive.

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